Always Sunny: Sunburst Mirrors as Decor

Having needed to move all my clocks forward an hour for Daylight Savings (an archaic and painful task), I’ve been trying to think about the positives of losing an hour of sleep. For instance, more of the day now has the potential to be sunny! This got me thinking about sunlight as a whole, and […]

Decorating With Mirror Frames: Using Big, Bold Mirrors As Artwork

On this blog, we’ve talked about decorating with mirrors once or twice in the past. After all, mirrors are great for enhancing light, make small spaces seem bigger, and take some of the stress out of trying to find perfectly matching wall art. But while mirrors are often great because they blend in, you can […]

Decorative Mirrors: Function and Fancy to Accentuate Your Space

Mirrors are a household staple, coming pre-installed in most bathrooms so you can look at yourself at least in passing a few times a day. Because of this, decorating elsewhere with mirrors can feel redundant. You may be thinking, “I don’t need to put a mirror here because I’m not going to shave or put […]

Mirrors: Bending Light and Bending Space

As innocuous as they are nowadays, mirrors have long been a source of fascination. From reflecting pools to looking glasses that lead us to strange worlds of whimsical opposites, mirrors are everywhere. Maybe it’s the magic they make with light or their power to throw our own images back at us, but mirrors are inextricably […]

Pros And Cons Of Using Decorative Mirrors In The Bathroom

Decorating a bathroom is always a balance between functionality and style; there are a number of major fixtures you pretty much have to include (like your bathtub and toilet), and unless you go really wild with your design, there isn’t a whole lot of variety among these basics. So personalization and flair have to come […]

Full Length Mirrors – A Trendy Statement Piece For A Contemporary Home

One of the most interesting up and coming new design trends is one that isn’t actually new at all – the re-emerging popularity of large format, full length mirrors. Despite their usefulness, mirrored closet doors have started to feel a little dated. But old fashioned freestanding mirrors (and genuinely old ones) are making a big […]

Trendy Accent Mirrors To Help Decorate Your Space

When it comes to interior decorating, you’d be surprised to know how big an asset accent mirrors can be. There’s a practically infinite selection of art you can hang on your walls – from prints and paintings to 3D sculptures. But accent mirrors offer a few unique advantages over traditional wall art that can really […]