Room With a View: How To Maximize Your Natural Light

Looking through interior design photos for inspiration for your own home, you’ve probably noticed that some rooms simply look more inviting than others. That certain special something is almost always good lighting. And not just “good” lighting, but organic. Sunlight is the “secret ingredient” and finishing touch to any well-designed room. If you have a […]

How to Find Good Wall Art You’ll Actually Put Up At Home

Architecture is essentially art you live in. Whether you think about it day-to-day or not, everything has a design, a form, and a function. I’ve noticed a lot of people leave their walls blank even when owning tons of incredible art to put up. Why? They say they’re not interior designers or have a “trained […]

Decorating With Mirror Frames: Using Big, Bold Mirrors As Artwork

On this blog, we’ve talked about decorating with mirrors once or twice in the past. After all, mirrors are great for enhancing light, make small spaces seem bigger, and take some of the stress out of trying to find perfectly matching wall art. But while mirrors are often great because they blend in, you can […]

Mirrors: Bending Light and Bending Space

As innocuous as they are nowadays, mirrors have long been a source of fascination. From reflecting pools to looking glasses that lead us to strange worlds of whimsical opposites, mirrors are everywhere. Maybe it’s the magic they make with light or their power to throw our own images back at us, but mirrors are inextricably […]

Designer Analog Wall Clocks To Enhance Your Home Decor

In a day and age where practically everyone has a digital clock strapped to their bodies at all times, analog clocks have fallen a bit out of favor. After all, when the time is just a glance at a cellphone away, wristwatches become little more than fashion accessories and wall clocks practically obsolete. But even […]

Six Simple Ideas For Choosing And Hanging Wall Art

Choosing artwork for your home is one of the most personal decisions you’ll make in terms of your overall design. After all, the counter top, floor, cabinets, and even the paint you choose will still be there when you leave. What you choose to hang on your walls is really the mark you choose to […]

Bathroom Mirrors – Framed, Frameless, or Functional?

Every bathroom has a mirror, but not all bathroom mirrors are created equal. Some are framed and others frameless, some with built in storage, lights, or other features, and many more without. But with so many choices, it can be a little difficult to know which one is right for you and your bathroom – […]

Trendy Accent Mirrors To Help Decorate Your Space

When it comes to interior decorating, you’d be surprised to know how big an asset accent mirrors can be. There’s a practically infinite selection of art you can hang on your walls – from prints and paintings to 3D sculptures. But accent mirrors offer a few unique advantages over traditional wall art that can really […]

Mirror Mirror… Romantic Bathroom Vanities

Arriving nicely dressed to work every single day might be the key to success, but appearing well groomed is easier for some than others. It depends on a person’s type of hair, whether or not he has tattoos, or has a talent for ironing or suffers any chronic acne. Life can be cruel. The bathroom […]