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Shower Heads

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Shower Heads ideas and shopping tips

Nobody deserves having to suffer a wimpy shower. Last year, it felt like my shower head wasn't even trying anymore. In the morning when my eyes don't open and my throat is scratchy, I am counting on my shower to get me exhilarated and fresh to face the day. All of  these shower heads meet the 2.5 gallon per minute regulation. Extra pressure leads to a shorter shower, which is good for conservi...
A friend bought an oil-heated house last fall and bunkered down for winter with the somewhat dreaded knowledge that winter would be cold, dreary and expensive; she was paying about $200/month to heat a small, 3-bedroom house. When winter started to surrender to spring and it began to warm up outside, she thought that her oil expenses were temporarily going to diminish. But even into the summer mon...
Do you have a really old, crusty, gross shower head? Or maybe just one that's jut okay, but doesn't really give you the kind of shower you enjoy? If you're putting off replacing it because you don't want the hassle of calling a plumber, you're in luck. Swapping out shower heads is one of the easiest jobs in the bathroom. Even if you've never done it before, it shouldn't take more than half an hour...